Monday 4 April 2011

folk tales and believes ...

Today...early in the morning (around 7.45 am ) i heard a few of my colleague talkin about some old believes ... 
... it was said that when you cut off a snakes head (white cobra to be precise- albino cobra  )the head wont fall off but it stead it will fly around and look after the personel or the person who cut their head off .... 
....thats why every time the old folks of the village will bury the head of the snake that they cop off ... this could prevent the heads to fly away to to take revenge .... 

.... is it true??? , .... hrm i also dont know .... its this types of mystery that make me  pondering for the real answer.... 
.... any where may be such thing's are mean to be mystery and some are best to be kept that way ....
but as a Malaysian and for less from Sarawak  the land of  many mysteries and believes, i could say its only 'ur imagination ' but theres no prove to say that its only a fairy tale .......
... and so we believe what we see and hear what we heard .......
...till next time then ..... daaa......


  1. Hehehe a very interesting entry! But it's true, until now, most Malays still believe that, ular dpt merakam imej org yg membunuh / menganiayainya. U know, if the snake is killed, nya mpun suku sakat / family ular ya dipercayai dpt mencarik pembunuh nya for a revenge. The image of the killer will be recorded in the eyes of the dead snake, which will be used as a reference for the other snakes to take revenge. Therefore, when Malays want to kill the snake, they will chop off the head, especially the eyes part. If ular yang t'cedera ya terlepas hidup, usually Malays nang sik tido lena la coz they're worried that the snake together with the suku sakatnya akan take revenge. Ironically, Malays believe that the snake will take revenge to the family of the killer if the killer itself couldn't be traced. Ish ish ishh... :-|

  2. so it was said ...
    u hurt them ur dead ...
    u kill them then you are still walkin ...
    new info to add up ...
    so the folks tales and legend is still around us and gik wujud ya ....
    tq fashitah ....
